Lectio Divina - The Samaritan Woman (19:00)

Lectio Divina - The Samaritan Woman (19:00)

Sale Price:$6.50 Original Price:$12.99

*The Samaritan Woman – How are you feeding your spiritual life? Are you willing to have a conversation with Jesus?

*This Gospel passage is a little long but the Lectio Divina format allows people to delve deeply into their own relationship with God through this dialog with Jesus.

Lectio Divina is a form of contemplative prayer during which we allow the words of the Gospel to enter into our being deeply, through a process of 4 moments. We say moments and not steps, because while we appear to go from one to the next in a straight line, our heart may take us back to a step to contemplate it more deeply. During this process the Gospel is read twice, during which we ask God for a word or phrase to ponder. Then there are some questions to ask such as, “why does this word stand out to me?” After pondering the questions we ask God to share what is important about this word or phrase in our life right now. Finally we rest in God’s loving presence, receiving and returning His love.

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